Chautauqua Festival Pageant
Saturday, June 08, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
George Wythe High School Auditorium
Wytheville, Virginia
Join us for the Chautauqua Festival Pageant as we prepare for a wonderful week of music, arts, and community activities!
Categories include:
Baby Miss: 0-23 months old
Wee Miss: 2-3 years old
Mini Miss: 4-5 years old
Little Miss: 6-7 years old
Junior Miss: 8-9 years old
Preteen Miss: 10-12 years old
Teen Miss: 13-15 years old
Miss: 16-22 years old *
Ms.: 18 years old and up*
*Please refer to guidelines for requirements for these two categories
Deadline for entries:
June 7, 2024
A non-refundable fee of $55.00 for each category must accompany the completed entry form. The contestant will not be considered as entered until payment is received. Make checks payable to the Wythe Arts Council. You may also send entry fees by Paypal to (please make sure to note what the payment is for). For any additional questions, please contact or Karen Melton at (615) 477- 1598.